Billy’s Hollywood Screen Kiss (1998) stars Sean Hayes (of Will & Grace fame) as a gay photographer who falls for his maybe straight model (Brad Rowe) and spends most of the movie in “is he or isn’t he?” musings. Who knew Sean had such a nice bod?
Alessandro Gassman
Alessandro Gassman is a married Italian man who inherits a turkish bath (in Turkey) from his aunt in 1997’s Steam (aka Hamam). He’s ready to sell the place until he meets the son of the family who ran it for his aunt. And who would ever expect their wife to pay a surprise visit to Turkey?
Unladen Swallow
For all the Monty Python fans who want to get across the bridge: How to calculate the Air Speed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow.[inspic=964,rightclear,,thumb]
I’ve tried a couple of attempts at putting up a forum. I couldn’t get Xdforum to work like I wanted, it seemed to interfere with other plugns. I’ve got WP-Forum up and running and it seems to work fairly well for a light forum system that’s set up as a WordPress plugin. The plugin route just seemed better than trying to get an SMF bridge working.
Anyways, the link to the forum page is at the top of the blog. You’ll need to register to post but feel free to try it out.
Beefcake (1998) gives a dramatized account of Bob Mizer (Daniel McIvor) and his Athletic Model Guild (AMG). Joshua Peace portrays a young model in the AMG stables. The movie is interspersed with snippets of AMG films and pictures and with interviews with some of the AMG models and other photographers of the period. Joe Dellesandro, Jim Lassiter, and Jack LaLanne are some of the interviews with accounts of the 1950’s “body building” mags. The movie gives a look at the modeling and then at the legal challenges of Mizer and the “industry”.