Strapped follows a young hustler (Ben Bonenfant) who finds himself trapped in an apartment building after leaving a trick. While trying to find his way out, he runs into one encounter after another with gay men ready to buy his services all the while adopting new names and personalities to meet the needs of his clients. From coked out queens to closet cases to his final client (Nick Frangione) who shows him the way out.
Is It Just Me
Blaine (Nicholas Downs) is a struggling writer looking for love and constantly failing largely due to his lack of confidence. He meets Xander (David Loren) online and after a few phone calls thinks he’s found his dream guy. Then panics when he realizes his go-go boy roommate Cameron’s (Adam Huss) online profile was swapped for his when Cameron borrowed his laptop. And the mistakend identity comedy begins with Blaine afraid to fess up, Cameron trying to play along to help, and Xander confused in Is It Just Me. All in all pretty funny.
Cal (Wayne Virgo) is a closeted member of a gang, getting into anonymous online hookups, including school teacher Scott (Garry Summers). His best friend Jonno (Tom Bott) may be a closet case himself, but is dominated by his psycho girlfriend Nessa who runs the gang. When Jonno and Nessa pick on Olivier (Marc Laurent), a random student from France, they see walking along , Cal steps in and saves him only to be targeted by the gang for revenge, which escalates as they realize he’s gay. Cal hooks up with Olivier as the gang continues its pursuit. The two turn to Scott, who just happens to be Olivier’s teacher, when things go bad. A bit on the violent side, and too many coincidental interrelations. Shank.
Flexing with Monty
Monty (the late Trevor Goddard) is a body building fanatic who lives with his genius younger brother Bertin (Rudi Davis). Monty, a physical education teacher spends all his time working out but trades off his brother’s brains by having him do any actual academic work his position calls for. Berting spends all his time studying, wondering about his absent mother, and taking care of the little man he keeps in a cage. One day, their lives are turned upside down by the arrival of a strange nun with knowledge of their past and revelations about their relationship.
Strange but interesting. Flexing with Monty.
The Art of Being Straight
Jon (Jesse Rosen) moves to Los Angeles after breaking up with his girlfriend and moves in with Andy (Jared Grey) a friend from college. Getting a job at an ad agency leads to Jon being seduced by Paul (Johnny Ray) an older male executive at the firm. Paul finds himself trying to fit in with Andy and his friends as he comes to grips with this new side of himself with they help of his lesbian friend Maddy (Rachel Castillo) who briefly toys with the idea of a straight fling with her new neighbor Aaron (Pete Scherer).
War Boys
George (Stargate Universe’s Brian J. Smith), David (Benjamin Walker) and Greg (Victor Rasuk) are the War Boys, a group of young men who have nothing better to do than park on the border with Mexico and harrass illegal immigrants. David has been suspended from college and, when he’s hassled by his father (Peter Gallager), decides to steal one of his father’s trucks that he thinks is hauling contraband electronics across the border. The three War Boys pull off the heist and while waiting for things to cool off before selling the goods, Greg gets involved with an older woman and George and David give in to their feelings for one another.
The Boy with the Sun in His Eyes
John (Tim Swain) is The Boy with the Sun in His Eyes a young man living an ordinary life who slightly envies his friend Kevin who’s life consists of traveling the globe as personal assistant to “Solange” (Mahogony Reynolds). Solange is a minor celebrity whose career consisted mostly of getting hacked up in various Italian horror flicks and a briefly sensational music video. When Kevin dies, Solange convinces John to join her as his replacement. As they travel around Europe, John falls for Alain (Valentin Plessy) a young waiter in France and Giacomo (Yann de Monterno) in Italy. But eventually John comes to wonder just what it is that Solange is up to as mysterious strangers follow them and bad things happen wherever they go.
The Wolves of Kromer
The small English village of Kromer is home to a pack of “wolves” living on the outskirts of society. The experienced wolf Gabriel (James Layton) takes the newcomer Seth (Lee Williams) under his wing and the two begin to fall for one another. But Seth is still questioning his “wolfishness” and strays. Meanwhile, a couple of scheming old women are plotting to murder the lady of the local manor for the inheritance. They blame the attack on the wolves which insites the preacher to hunt them down with a mob of irate townspeople at his back. And we find that just about anyone can have a tail.
The Wolves of Kromer (1998). Great movie, hard to track down but worth it.