Playroom (aka Consequences) – a group of mostly jock buddies (Chris Cannon, Nicholas Kattar, Paul Marron, Adam Ratcliffe & Michael Tranzilli) from high school reunite for their annual “football weekend” away from thier wives and families. This time, two of them are out looking to get laid and find themselves seduced by a couple of hookers and then chained up in the “playroom” of a mad porno producer out to use them in his films. Their buddies try to rescue them while keeping things a secret from the wives back home. As an attempt at a horror movie, it had it’s moments, but was basically just an excuse to get hot guys stripped and tied up. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. . . .
Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror
Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror takes us to a run down, way out of the way, gay bed and breakfast run by a demented woman and her daughter. This is where you end up on the big party weekend if your other half forgets to make the reservations far enough in advance. There’s gore (and laughs) galore as the guests learn just what goes on at The Sahara Salvation Inn. “Watch out for the straights.”
And a few more caps after the jump: warning for possible spoilers and possible NSFW!
In Mulligans, Tyler (Derek Baynham) brings his best friend Chase (Charlie David) home from college for the summer. When Chase gets tired of Tyler trying to fix him up with the local bimbos, he finally lets his buddy know that he’s gay. But Chase isn’t the only one as we learn that Nathan (Dan Payne), Tyler’s dad, also has feelings he’s kept hidden during his marriage to Stacy (Thea Gill). The two aren’t as discreet as they should be and the family has to come to grips with the fallout.
Prom Queen
Aaron Ashmore (Sean’s twin) is Marc Hall in Prom Queen. Based on a true story of a Canadian high school student who wants to take his boyfriend Jason, (Mac Fyfe) to the prom at his Catholic school. His quest escalates once a gay rights lawyer (played by Scott Thompson) gets involved, much to the dismay of his boyfriend.
Ben and Arthur
Ben and Arthur are planning to get married in Hawaii, only to learn at the last minute, that Hawaii won’t allow it. So off they go to Vermont. Then Arthur’s (Sam Mraovich) psycho killer religious freak brother Victor (Michael Haboush) gets involved and goes on a psycho killer rampage to try to put an end to gay marriage. And maybe Arthur has some of the family psycho genes too. I hate to say it, but this was a pretty bad movie. It actually sounded like it might be a good story in there somewhere, but it just couldn’t quite claw it’s way out. Ben (Jamie Brett Gabel) was really cute though.
When Love Comes
In When Love Comes, Mark (Dean O’Gorman, Iolus in “Young Hercules”) is conflicted about settling down with the slightly older Stephen (Simon Prast), while Katie, a fading music star, returns to her best friend Stephen and her roots in Australia only to be followed by her American boyfriend Eddie (Simon Westaway). And then there’s a lesbian rock duo who figure into things somehow. I wasn’t too clear on that part, but it was an OK movie.
Object of My Affection
In Object of My Affection, George (Paul Rudd), a gay school teacher, learns that his boyfriend (Tim Daly) is dumping him from Nina (Jennifer Anniston), a girl he happens to meet at a dinner party. She invites him to move in with her and the pair develop a friendship. But eventually, Nina wants more and after her obnoxious boyfriend gets her pregnant she continues to fall in love with Georrge. Going from friendship to attempted seduction to outright jealousy of George’s new boyfriend before realizing she can’t look to him for romance.
More gratuitious Paul Rudd caps after the jump. . . .
Savage Grace
Based on a true story, Savage Grace is a tale of what happens to a social climbing woman who has threesomes with her gay son. Ick. Julianne Moore plays the mom and Stephen Dillane is the dad, heir to the Bakelite plastics fortune. Mom can’t get enough of high society and dad keeps dwelling on the glories of his grandfather who built the family fortune. Eddie Redmayne takes on the role of young Tony who’s a little too tied to mummy’s apron strings. Unax Ugalde does a turn as Tony’s cute drug dealing boy toy. Apparently quite the scandal ensued.